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Configuring a Proxy

Learn how to configure nLogin on a proxy server.

What it is

A proxy server allows you to connect to multiple servers together. The two best known names are BungeeCord and Velocity.


  • You need to have at least one server that can be used for authentication (server where players use /login and /register).
  • You need to install nLogin on the proxy and authentication servers.

How to configure

Go to the file /plugins/nLogin/proxy/config.yml. Look for the "backend" section and configure the authentication servers in the "auth-servers" option.

In this example, we'll use an authentication server called "lobby".

#     ___            _                  _
# / __\ __ _ ___| | _____ _ __ __| |
# /__\/// _` |/ __| |/ / _ \ '_ \ / _` |
# / \/ \ (_| | (__| < __/ | | | (_| |
# \_____/\__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|\__,_|

# Settings related to the backend servers.
# Sets the list of authentication servers.
# - You must enter this list ALL servers that nLogin is installed on.
# - Most servers use either an authentication server or a main lobby.
# - For more information, go to the tutorial:
# ==>
- 'lobby'

# Defines whether the proxy should check if authentication servers are properly configured.
# - If you are using a server without nLogin (e.g. limbo servers not based on Spigot)
# it is recommended to disable this option.
check-ack-message: true

Authentication servers are used to login.

You should not install nLogin on survival, faction, rankup, skywars, etc. servers unless you do not want and/or have a server for authentication.

Redirect after login (optional)

Go to the file /plugins/nLogin/proxy/config.yml. Look for the "backend" section and configure the servers after authentication in "after-auth".

In this example, we'll use an authentication server called "auth-1" and two after-authentication servers called "lobby-1" and "lobby-2".

#     ___            _                  _
# / __\ __ _ ___| | _____ _ __ __| |
# /__\/// _` |/ __| |/ / _ \ '_ \ / _` |
# / \/ \ (_| | (__| < __/ | | | (_| |
# \_____/\__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|\__,_|

# Settings related to the backend servers.
# Sets the list of authentication servers.
# - You must enter this list ALL servers that nLogin is installed on.
# - Most servers use either an authentication server or a main lobby.
# - For more information, go to the tutorial:
# ==>
- 'auth'

# Defines whether the proxy should check if authentication servers are properly configured.
# - If you are using a server without nLogin (e.g. limbo servers not based on Spigot)
# it is recommended to disable this option.
check-ack-message: true

# __ _ _ _
# /__\ ___ __| (_)_ __ ___ ___| |_
# / \/// _ \/ _` | | '__/ _ \/ __| __|
# / _ \ __/ (_| | | | | __/ (__| |_
# \/ \_/\___|\__,_|_|_| \___|\___|\__|

# Server redirection settings.
# Defines whether the redirection of the first server should be overwritten by nLogin.
# - This option prevents players from bypassing the authentication server
# and restores the first server provided by the proxy.
override-first-server: true

# Defines whether the plugin should redirect players to the last connected server.
# - If the last connected server no longer exists, a random server from the "after-auth.servers" option will be chosen.
redirect-to-last-server: false

# Sets the waiting time (in milliseconds) when switching the server.
connect-delay: 500

# Sets the waiting time (in milliseconds) to reconnect to the server when the connection fails.
retry-delay: 5000

# Defines whether players should be automatically forwarded to other servers after authentication.
enabled: false

# Defines which servers the players should be forwarded to.
# - When entering more than one item, the server will be chosen randomly.
- "lobby-1"
- "lobby-2"

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