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🔧 Performance

Diagnose your nChat's performance problems.

Slow processing messages

When translators are taking longer than 50ms to process a tag, a warning is sent to the console in order to facilitate the search for performance problems.


"The Vault tag translator took more than 50ms to process the tag "prefix" for NickUC"

  • This message suggests that the {prefix} tag is taking too long, and could mean that the plugin responsible for this tag is having optimization problems.
  • In this example, the culprit is PermissionsEx, which is connected to a slow MySQL.

"The PlaceholderAPI placeholder translator took more than 50ms to process the input "&aMoney: &2$&f{money}" for NickUC"

  • This message suggests that the {money} tag is taking too long, and could mean that the plugin responsible for this tag is having optimization problems.
  • In this example, the culprit could be the economy plugin. It is recommended that the developer implements a caching system for frequent queries.

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